Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vita coco obsessions and other stuff... mostly Vita coco

Good morning world it's Thursday! or should I say Good mid afternoon world it's Thursday. I could also say Good 2:05 pm world it's Thursday. Or i could say...well it doesn't really matter because the point is that today is THURSDAY! which means tomorrow is friday then sat and sunday and then monday.... the start of school. NOO! okay not like i'm doing anything to really to make this the best last thursday before school starts, but still the word Thursday makes me want to replace my eyes with googly eyes, so I  can't even imagine what the F would would make me want to do!

Things I need to do:
1. buy my school books- the most expensive part of school... that on buy back day i'll get 1 dollar because my teacher is outdated and decided to stay with the books that nobody uses anymore
2. make an appointment with a school counselor
3. find out when one of my classes is , since my teacher still hasn't emailed me back...rude.
4. buy more vita coco from whole foods.... seriously ill explain later
5. go to gym- get my butt back there
6. can't think of anything else but thought i would look cooler with a longer list.

okay so number 4- buy more vita coco from whole foods.
seriously. I. AM. OBSESSED. especially when I drink it through a straw (that's half the fun)
obsessions are only fun with straws 
they come in fun flavors, but i love the original.  I could drink it all day long, every hour , every minute , every freaking second. If there was a chugging contest or a how many Vita Coco can you drink .... lets just say i'd go home with the grand prize.

Okay can we just talk about the possibilities of this straw!!!?
 three vita cocos in one. amazing.

now that I am sorta done obsessing about this drink and hawking it out for all of you , Pay me Vita Coco, but seriously. everyone go out and get one then drink it chilled with a straw and experience the bliss haha!  

Big news: i've decided to post to facebook. so all my friends...Don't judge me....can see this !!! haha. 

Today I tried pizza with cornmeal crust.... yeah not a fan. probably would have been better with a vita coco, but i'm just saying.

 This has been
         Simply Amanda

number of Vita cocos in my fridge: 0 .... depressing

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