Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Simply me and other things not so ...simple

         So after a much thought out thought process, which you do when you think. hard. about this idea of writing down my thoughts for all to see. I decided that I would do just that , which is what you are reading now , thanks to my thought processing. Thanks brain. Through a creased brow and my sweatshirt tied tight around my face like a ninja , I am writing these thought processes down and after reading this i'll probably delete half, re-write , read again and delete the other half until i come up with what you are reading now. This (inhailing of breath) blog thing that I have started as of today (yay me) well yay you for reading ,so props for you for sticking this long through my rambling introduction.

.....Anyways the hardest thing i've had to do today was coming up with the title for this blog. Simply Amanda. which I had read, deleted then wrote again, thought about it, thought about other things, half deleted, half re-wrote, thought some more , then clicked start blog. I seem to have trouble with decisions. honestly my whole life has been this way since my first trip to safeway, waiting in line for my mother to finish paying while I decided what candy I got. lets just say I left the store crying because I couldn't decide between a kit kat and a butterfinger, good choices that I feel many struggle with, but hey I was 5 .Now I can decide to buy both,problem solved. however I wouldn't suggest doing that with a pair of shoes, which is why I tend to stay away from the shoe department.

       I would hardly call myself simple but I found it funny so yeah, here I am , simply me here for all you to see, or read. whatever.

        I have this crazy dream of being an actress and I don't care for fame or the money although the money might be a nice perk, I honestly do it because I love to do it. I aspire to be an a film actress, being on set surrounded by the creativity is honesty the best thing I could ever think of doing. but let me tell you, it is so not easy. not that I expected it to be it's just well . you know when someone tells you that what you are about to eat isn't that spicy but they have a high tolerance to pain that they withheld from you, and then you try it, and your mouth explodes in pain. yeah well thats kinda like acting, without the pain... unless you're doing a fight scene . People not involved in theatre think its easy so when i told a majority of people my major was theatre I got the ... " oh, thats nice, you must have a lot of time on your hands" speech, and look, yes there is a look for that.

      A year at college and already I'm changing my major,not because I didn't like theatre I am still going to minor in it, but I have decided to major in Film Production. dah dah dah daaaahhh! yes , Film Production. I am excited about this. then again it will probably change again so fingers cross I stick with this one. So my first year of college is done and in a week I will be moving on to my second year. gosh, time flies. I remember sitting in Mrs. Dickies, whose name I found hilarious,  fifth grade class staring out the cow figurine littered window sill, dreaming of what it was gong to be like in middle school, and how cool it would be to an sixth grader , and be able to have more than just one teacher. My day dreaming now has expanded a whole lot , like me and Johnny Depp strolling through a park talking like pirates. but thats a different story.

    So now you know ...well not much about me. or anything really. but this is kinda therapeutic. not gonna lie. this is, was kinda fun, and although its 2:14 am right now and my grammar is just horrible i'll end my first blog ever written by my flanges, which are fingers, which i learned from Bones, which is a tv show, which you probably already knew. Now for my next big decision; do I post to facebook for all my friends to see...GAH. So I guess later i'll explain more about me and my not so simple life which is kinda simple in a way of not being simple... if you know what I mean... and you probably don't, so goodnight and good morning this has been
                                                                     Simply Amanda.

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