Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Simply Siblings

 Siblings, can't live with them, can't live with out them.... or is that men? 

either way they are there for you whether you want them to be or not. Sometimes you don't like what they do or say, but you will always love them. 

Take for instance my sister, Sammie. I LOVE her to death! sometimes I don't agree with what she says to me, or what she does, but its time like when she brings flowers home for me because she is happy I am home, makes me forget everything she says that I don't like. The simple thing of her remembering my favorite flowers are Daisies and my favorite color is blue/ I hate the smell of lavender,  are the simple things that make me Love her so much.  She can be annoying as heck, and piss me off to where I threaten to punch her in the face ( not really, but really) but no matter what she is my family and I will always love her. 

sappy right? Well it's true!  

Today to my surprise, my sister brought me home pink daises from her Costco trip. I asked if it was a joke, since the only reason I would receive flowers would be if it were my birthday. It is not my birthday today so imagine my shock when my sister walked into my room and pulled pink daisies from behind her back.  She told me she was happy that I was home this year for school and all the blue daisies were dying so she picked pink. I was so shocked, but I was so thrilled. We get in fights, all siblings do, but we now have the ability to get over it in five seconds and are back to laughing. It must be extremely weird to watch, as we bicker over something stupid and in the next second we are laughing and making jokes.  


I felt like screaming siblings, no reason why. 

so funny story, as I started writing this blog my sister yells from the kitchen..." AAAAAMMMMMAAANNNDAAA" ... insert groan a roll of the eyes as I reply with an annoyed  WHAT!? she tells me its time for dinner and off I go to the kitchen to greet her with a fake punch to her face, she flinches .... normal interaction between us.  we then proceeded to pronounce whore and coffee in New Jersey accents, finding it completely entertaining and funny, and finding different sentences to use them in. 
The Beautiful bouquet of Pink Daisies! 

So now it's time for bed and I'm downstairs and she is upstairs and we are texting each other. can't really get any better.  

Funny Tidbit that happened to me today: while in my technical theatre class this guy asked me why I was taking the class, after my explanation I asked why he was... his response... " I love using power tools" saying that with a creepy smile.... okay wait now that I wrote that it doesn't seem as creepy as when it was said to my face... okay better explanation ... Have any of you see the show Dexter? yeah well imagine Dexter saying that with a smile... is that a better visual for you cause that's what it was like. 

My favorite sister. 

       Simply Amanda ...out! 

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