Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Simply an IPhone blog

Today has been the weirdest weird day I've ever experienced. Actually that's a lie but it's in my top 20. So yeah no blog yesterday since it was my first day of school so I thought I should respect that day and not blog but sleep. And today is my first blog post from my IPhone! So please excuse the spelling errors. iPhones are hard to blog on. Especially if they change the entire word, making the sentence hard to understand, for example I wrote today is my first blog post from my iphone, my phone changed it to today is my first dog pasta from my iphone.....? see what I mean!  I'll fix it once I get home :)

Okay so on to today! Doesn't start off very well seeing has how I have five minutes to get to class and I still couldn't find anywhere to park. Ftw right!? Well finally found one and am only two minutes late to class. How did that happend? I have no idea. Anyways I go through the rest of my classes momentarily being tricked by an "actor" student telling me that his name was John when in fact it was Derrick, letting me proceed to embarrass myself while introducing him to, unbeknownst to me, his good friend as John. After they cracked up and I faded my laugh into a confussed....wait what? They explained, I did not find it all that amusing.
Goose butt

Now on to the best part. I was minding my own business relaxin in the shade looking over a pond/man made lake thing. Staring at the geese and watching their white bottoms fly into the air and trying to capture it on camera, when all of a sudden this guy appears and say hi to me. I lowered my phone and slowly looked up responding with a "hi?". Thinking oh gosh now what's going to happen, since this is usually how weird things happen to me, odd men coming up to me and saying hi. He then proceeded to tell me his name was Elliot and he was not very sober and was looking for a friend to talk/lay his head on a shoulder to sleep. I had no response for that so he asked me if he could join me on my bench. Me being what I like to think is nice, said oh yeah sure no problem and went back to trying to capture the geese mid dive. Wrong move. He sat down and proceeds to tell me his life story mentioning that he wasn't very sober but it was okay that he was kinda drunk because he was 22. With a soft "oh, okay" I went back to my phone. Hoping that maybe if I'm silent he'd leave. All of a sudden  I see out of the corner of my eye his finger inching slowly closer and closer to my shoulder, finally making contact with a sharp poke while he verbally "poked" me.  I turned to him slowly with a tight smile then continued on with my phone. He then asked for a hug, which I suggested a high five. He agreed to the high five and asked me if I was single. thinking he would leave If said no, I said no which prompted him to say he was once engaged but recently broke it off due to the fact that she not only had a three some but a four some with four guys. His words. Grossed out I said oh, sorry to hear that. And he told me it wasn't my fault. Phew. I don't know what I would do if it had been my fault.

The Pond man made lake thing
            Then he pulled out a pb and j sandwhich and asked if I wanted half. I declined. He told me I seemed pretty chill and that he has been "trying to get on a  lot of girls ass lately" I told him I was a Christian so I was not trying to "get any ass" he then scooted closer and put his head on my shoulder which I immediately shrugged off. Telling him I was not a cuddly person. He didn't beleive me and poked my arm a couple more times saying "poke" each time. Then agreeing with me saying my arm wasn't as soft as he thought. Gee Thanks. I made a joke about getting some muscle and he starred at me blankly, awkward. Finally with crusty peanut butter on his mouth he said he was going to try to find other friends and not to stop him. I didn't. So now I'm sitting here alone again looking out at the pond/man made lake thing. Realizing this whole time my foot has been resting on duck poop. Awesome. What a great second day of school. I have one more class which I must run to now seeing as it's actually 10 minutes earlier than I thought, I am literally walking and blogging, first evllej....oops I just ran into someone, sorry! . I'll keep you updates if anything else happened to me. Which it should. Hope your days at school are as interesting as mine!
           This has been simply Amandakrwn

..... ran into someone else...

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