Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Simply Siblings

 Siblings, can't live with them, can't live with out them.... or is that men? 

either way they are there for you whether you want them to be or not. Sometimes you don't like what they do or say, but you will always love them. 

Take for instance my sister, Sammie. I LOVE her to death! sometimes I don't agree with what she says to me, or what she does, but its time like when she brings flowers home for me because she is happy I am home, makes me forget everything she says that I don't like. The simple thing of her remembering my favorite flowers are Daisies and my favorite color is blue/ I hate the smell of lavender,  are the simple things that make me Love her so much.  She can be annoying as heck, and piss me off to where I threaten to punch her in the face ( not really, but really) but no matter what she is my family and I will always love her. 

sappy right? Well it's true!  

Today to my surprise, my sister brought me home pink daises from her Costco trip. I asked if it was a joke, since the only reason I would receive flowers would be if it were my birthday. It is not my birthday today so imagine my shock when my sister walked into my room and pulled pink daisies from behind her back.  She told me she was happy that I was home this year for school and all the blue daisies were dying so she picked pink. I was so shocked, but I was so thrilled. We get in fights, all siblings do, but we now have the ability to get over it in five seconds and are back to laughing. It must be extremely weird to watch, as we bicker over something stupid and in the next second we are laughing and making jokes.  


I felt like screaming siblings, no reason why. 

so funny story, as I started writing this blog my sister yells from the kitchen..." AAAAAMMMMMAAANNNDAAA" ... insert groan a roll of the eyes as I reply with an annoyed  WHAT!? she tells me its time for dinner and off I go to the kitchen to greet her with a fake punch to her face, she flinches .... normal interaction between us.  we then proceeded to pronounce whore and coffee in New Jersey accents, finding it completely entertaining and funny, and finding different sentences to use them in. 
The Beautiful bouquet of Pink Daisies! 

So now it's time for bed and I'm downstairs and she is upstairs and we are texting each other. can't really get any better.  

Funny Tidbit that happened to me today: while in my technical theatre class this guy asked me why I was taking the class, after my explanation I asked why he was... his response... " I love using power tools" saying that with a creepy smile.... okay wait now that I wrote that it doesn't seem as creepy as when it was said to my face... okay better explanation ... Have any of you see the show Dexter? yeah well imagine Dexter saying that with a smile... is that a better visual for you cause that's what it was like. 

My favorite sister. 

       Simply Amanda ...out! 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Simply a MAJOR CONFLICT .... well ... not really.

I hate conflict!

GAAAHHH CONFLICT! how you curse me!

so here is my deal : I signed up to audition for the musical Cabaret, that my school is putting on.  I am terrified to audition for it 1.) the only singing audition I have done has been for choir and that took lots o guts to do , 2) I have no idea how to audition for a musical theatre audition, they want 32 bars, which I can do since I took choir but... what!? the what?! I get nervous just thinking about it. 3.) I feel like its kinda racy for me to be apart of.....( sounds funny but I am pretty conservative and don't wear lingerie on choice. 4.) I have that horrible thing called self doubt where I don't think I sound good at all when I sing, no matter how many times someone reassures me.... its a horrible thing I need to work on. 5.) I'm scared. haha lame but true . what kind of actress am I? good question. I don't know. 6.) I would love to work on a musical, i'm just not sure this is the musical for me. 7.) I don't want to fail miserably at my audition because my nerves will get to me and then see the stage manager in my bio class the next day.

So thats my conflict. do I audition or not? I am headed towards not since the audition is tomorrow, I have no idea what to sing, I am scared ( about to say a bad word, scroll down if younger than 18) Shitless and I don't want to fail. Although i've been told countless times it will take a hundred no's for just one yes.

WHY AM I IN THIS INDUSTRY? because believe it or not I love acting, its fun, its hard, its challenging. but the pay sucks unless you actually having a recurring role... or an actual role. So okay this has helped me a lot in my decision. and I know all you musical theatre lovers might bash me in with a microphone, but I think i'll pass this audition and go for one of their non musical production firsts. Believe me I love musicals so much, I really really want to be apart of one but this one is just not the one.

It really is you musical, not me. so i'm breaking up with you for now.

I am sad however that I let my fears get in my way, I should really stop doing that, once I find the courage. Actually come to think of it, I did audition for play pro at my high school ... twice.... and sung in front of them. well. I didn't make it into that but thats because of politics. haha I am a loser. uejfks,pa;sefmlqphfi  I guess bad experiences overall kinda hold me back. but ill be back for the next one!  .... i think....

So good, I am coming out with this much more relief from the decisions and don't feel like I will regret it too much, well not until I actually see the musical performed. and great I get the walk of shame down those theatre steps and into the green room to cross my name off the list. poop. I hate these conflicts.



.........TO BE CONTINUED...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I am a Bloggy Blog Blogger

If my new design hasn't scared you off yet, then congratulations, you can look past the weird.

So thinking, what obviously I do , in my spare time only. That there is so much I have yet to do, such as travel the world again, learn a different language, achieve my dreams, run through sprinklers and feed my dogs. Of course there is so much more that I want to do , but my life is just starting, and to me... to me that's  crazy. I mean I have been living for 19 years and my life is just now starting. There is so much I want to accomplish! I have fears on top of fears that my fears will hold me back from getting where I want to be. I have a way of setting fear in my brain, and on those occasional time where I am thinking, I think fear of what is yet to come. Isn't there like some kind of disease for that? I already think I have a mini disease of Hypochondria... please don't come near me if you are sick, or tell me about some kind of disease , because I guarantee you, I will get it. well my doctors say I wont.

get what I did there? I  made a joke. if not. well. whatever.

Today I cleaned my room, big deal! like big deal, for me anyways. Its like my room suddenly got way bigger and way more cool! I have a carpet finally, my boxes are gone..(shoved in my closet) I can see my desk is made of wood, and I found my shoes I had been looking for.... Score!

I think everyone should clean their rooms every once in a while, its nice because you find things you forget you had, like I found my book light whom I call Oscar. I missed my baby blue light helper. Sadly I found that I had killed Oscar by leaving his light switch on. Oscar will be missed greatly, but now I have Tank, my charcoal black sturdy light helper.... he however is no Oscar. Isn't it funny how people, or maybe just me , become attached to inanimate objects. I have my book light, and a pencil that I never let anyone borrow, some have chairs at dinner time where they won't let anyone else sit (sammie), or that specific spot on the couch where you rush to get to so nobody else can sit there , otherwise your watching of television is severely ruined? What objects do you become attached to?

Blogging to music, fuels the thought processing going on in my gears, also just the random things that happen to me fuel that process. Last night , I thought my room was being attacked by pigeons, since my sister had mentioned hearing them on the roof before, I thought last night when I heard scratching noises against my wall, that I was under attack. Turns out it was just Ginger, my loyal older dog, stretching her paws against the wall every five minutes, each time I would turn over to see what the noise was, and there she was just laying against the wall starring at me. okay so it was a little creepy but I think she had to go outside and was trying to wake me up. successful, I let her outside and then back inside... in case you were wondering, and then went back to sleep.... I didn't hear anymore noise until the morning when she was what I like to call " chasing rabbits". You know if you have a dog, sometimes dogs dream at night, I don't know of what... it could actually be something really scary and mean that is making dogs act like they are running and whimpering in their sleep.  that sentence made me sad. I don't like that sentence. I'd like to delete you sentence, but I wont. I like to think that they make those running moves and noises because they are having a grand old time chasing rabbits, or squirrels or maybe even  trying to do the running man. who knows? I certainly don't, but I hope it's not the latter of the two.

So my bloggy blog blog. is a bloggy blog blog with a blogger who blogggy blogs when she has the chance. she being me. me being simply amanda. Good. now that we have that settled... I have no idea why I wrote that , but I wanted to tie the Title to something so.... here we are. Title tied.    

I am so random sometimes. its crazy! I swear it's the music I listen to, it's all over the place. Well I finished my first week of school. Wasn't that bad! well the thursday are since I go from 8 am till 4:45, getting up at 5:30 am. It basically sucks but it's only one semester. Okay so my sociology teacher, is pretty darn awesome. I say that now right...but I'm just waiting for the rest of the semester to play out. He is all over the place, literally , he doesn't sit still the entire class time. He looks you in the eye longer than necessary , he sits in the desk in front of you and turns it around while you talk, and he is British. It must be the British thing, but he is pretty darn cool. I have to admit , I chose him as a teacher because people said on that his accent was pretty darn cool. And i'll admit.... It's pretty darn cool! It is kinda like I am studying abroad but not , two days out of the week I have an hour in London. basically. So far one of my favorite classes. I found out in Bio lab that my teacher is actually hilarious, and thats a good thing, however one of my lab partners is more interested in how her hair looks then how to convert from ml to L. My Technical theatre class is pretty darn awesome too, i'm on the stage every single class, I couldn't ask for anything better. Which reminds me...I need to buy that book and cancel my subscription to the LA times. blah.  oo..... Ginger just made that pigeon noise again.... well anyways my classes are okay so far , we shall see later on.

    this has been
         Simply Amanda
I feel like I need a picture each blog, this is my wishful thinking family.

           A not so simple bloggy blog blogger..... or whatever.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Simply an IPhone blog

Today has been the weirdest weird day I've ever experienced. Actually that's a lie but it's in my top 20. So yeah no blog yesterday since it was my first day of school so I thought I should respect that day and not blog but sleep. And today is my first blog post from my IPhone! So please excuse the spelling errors. iPhones are hard to blog on. Especially if they change the entire word, making the sentence hard to understand, for example I wrote today is my first blog post from my iphone, my phone changed it to today is my first dog pasta from my iphone.....? see what I mean!  I'll fix it once I get home :)

Okay so on to today! Doesn't start off very well seeing has how I have five minutes to get to class and I still couldn't find anywhere to park. Ftw right!? Well finally found one and am only two minutes late to class. How did that happend? I have no idea. Anyways I go through the rest of my classes momentarily being tricked by an "actor" student telling me that his name was John when in fact it was Derrick, letting me proceed to embarrass myself while introducing him to, unbeknownst to me, his good friend as John. After they cracked up and I faded my laugh into a confussed....wait what? They explained, I did not find it all that amusing.
Goose butt

Now on to the best part. I was minding my own business relaxin in the shade looking over a pond/man made lake thing. Staring at the geese and watching their white bottoms fly into the air and trying to capture it on camera, when all of a sudden this guy appears and say hi to me. I lowered my phone and slowly looked up responding with a "hi?". Thinking oh gosh now what's going to happen, since this is usually how weird things happen to me, odd men coming up to me and saying hi. He then proceeded to tell me his name was Elliot and he was not very sober and was looking for a friend to talk/lay his head on a shoulder to sleep. I had no response for that so he asked me if he could join me on my bench. Me being what I like to think is nice, said oh yeah sure no problem and went back to trying to capture the geese mid dive. Wrong move. He sat down and proceeds to tell me his life story mentioning that he wasn't very sober but it was okay that he was kinda drunk because he was 22. With a soft "oh, okay" I went back to my phone. Hoping that maybe if I'm silent he'd leave. All of a sudden  I see out of the corner of my eye his finger inching slowly closer and closer to my shoulder, finally making contact with a sharp poke while he verbally "poked" me.  I turned to him slowly with a tight smile then continued on with my phone. He then asked for a hug, which I suggested a high five. He agreed to the high five and asked me if I was single. thinking he would leave If said no, I said no which prompted him to say he was once engaged but recently broke it off due to the fact that she not only had a three some but a four some with four guys. His words. Grossed out I said oh, sorry to hear that. And he told me it wasn't my fault. Phew. I don't know what I would do if it had been my fault.

The Pond man made lake thing
            Then he pulled out a pb and j sandwhich and asked if I wanted half. I declined. He told me I seemed pretty chill and that he has been "trying to get on a  lot of girls ass lately" I told him I was a Christian so I was not trying to "get any ass" he then scooted closer and put his head on my shoulder which I immediately shrugged off. Telling him I was not a cuddly person. He didn't beleive me and poked my arm a couple more times saying "poke" each time. Then agreeing with me saying my arm wasn't as soft as he thought. Gee Thanks. I made a joke about getting some muscle and he starred at me blankly, awkward. Finally with crusty peanut butter on his mouth he said he was going to try to find other friends and not to stop him. I didn't. So now I'm sitting here alone again looking out at the pond/man made lake thing. Realizing this whole time my foot has been resting on duck poop. Awesome. What a great second day of school. I have one more class which I must run to now seeing as it's actually 10 minutes earlier than I thought, I am literally walking and blogging, first evllej....oops I just ran into someone, sorry! . I'll keep you updates if anything else happened to me. Which it should. Hope your days at school are as interesting as mine!
           This has been simply Amandakrwn

..... ran into someone else...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Simply a great way to end the summer

Sunday, August 15th . My last day of freedom.

School starts tomorrow, and can I say that I  am not at all prepared for it? I picked up my school binders today but still have to see where my classrooms are. Tomorrow my first two classes are Bio with lab and math. awful.

On a better note  : Today has been Simply a great way to end my summer.

Starting off with a brunch in Berkeley and making our way up to The Claremont Hotel to get a look at the city, simply breath taking. A Ghostly white Hotel against a white skyline + five friends = a seriously need to go ghost hunting.

Going to Costco with my family, while pretending to be with another family so I could go in while my family was getting a cart.... successfully,  and getting a free sample of chocolate chip gelato , SCORE!
Ending the day at my friend Dani's house for her birthday party.

Embarrassing story time: walked into the elevator with my friends at The Claremont Hotel , as the doors close I say " okay guys, whose the devil" and I get blank stares and an awkward silence. haha lets just say I probably seemed like sooo weird! haha I was trying to be like that movie about the elevator and the devil. well lets say it sounded better in my head/ better response. but all is well.

question: could you start a symphony with pee? my answer yes, as discovered in the bathroom. haha.

Here is an awesome story:

Inspired by Dani's mom's summer camp experience. We released balloons into the air that had notes attached to them, with our emails and a short note such as, where'd you find me? email me back, have a great day, make me a sandwich, and return this balloon you balloon stealer, hoping that someone will find the balloons and actually email us back. Here are the pictures:
getting ready to let go 

and away they go 

Beautiful attempt at making friends

Phote cred: Tori S.

To me this is so inspirational, thinking about brining people together completely by chance. How amazing!

So first day of school tomorrow, don't quite have the flutterbys (butterflies)  in my stomach yet, but i'm sure they will come fluttering by soon.

Simply amanda, simply out..PEACE.
eh trying something new.......

sometimes I write things...

 Smart Water, does it really make you smart? Instead of the original fish, mine is floating a duck. Does that make sense? no... shoot  I have to drink more water, smart water that is. .... Smart Water... you can pay me too. I don't mind. 

Saturday. one more day till doom. (insert 24 theme noise) 

I  attended a bridal shower today and it was awesome! I am so happy for the happy couple!   

I made a to-do list today that I wrote must be done TODAY in all caps at the top as if that would  push me to get it done all today, which i wanted, which was probably the reason it was written in all caps then underlined...twice. Did everything get done... no...why? Because I was tired! It was one of those days. 


yeah I am still tired and have coffee in my hands.... this was a pointless flash forward. 


back to where we started... well ended. whatever, get off my case. 

ooo ... i'm feeling sassy today. and all over the place as usual.... must remember that this is not a rant blog but a tell funny stories that happen to me on a daily basis. such as: 

Today I wore a dress, curled my hair, put makeup on and headed to a bridal know the usual. Of course I needed my coffee so we stopped at Starbucks and I ordered my favorite drink. Thanked Starbucks, tipped them , got into my car and drove off. I am so excited for my first sip of my favorite drink, I can't wait to taste my soy chi tea lat... THIS IS NOT CHI TEA. this is just a latte with soy. okay, thanks Starbucks you officially ruined my day, not only do I need my coffee in the morning , but I need my coffee to be right. Not Wrong. Not horribly wrong. you may be thinking right now " come on simply amanda, it was simply a mistake" WELL WRONG MY LITTLE SIMPLE READER. WRONG. if you want me to function then I need a drip of coffee!  coffee that I will enjoy and suggest to my other simple minions and then bring in the big bucks for you.To top it all off, I was already halfway to the freeway so I couldn't turn around without making us late to the bridal shower. So I continue the drive pouting about my coffee listening to my song of the month : Waka , Waka by shakira, and while at red lights dancing like she does in the music video...I am not ashamed. Finally get to the bridal shower get out of the car, close the door , start to walk and get tugged back to the car. I had shut the door on my dress. Later in the evening I managed to stub my toe and make my butt go numb. 

.... like I said it was just one of those days. 

everyone has an off day right? 

However I have decided that once I have kids, I will teach them french so they can be more adorable than this girl, and tell way more adorable convincing lies. 

I don't know how to highlight it so you can just click it so you may neeeedddddded to ed lwek .... I was going to delete that added eeeddddd to ed lwek. but I thought it was funny considering I thought the blog was like " No more! You can't write any more. bad day blogs only get so much writing space. Stop it okay, write something happy." 

but then it came back so ... that about sums it up. 

i (punched in the dot) also just wrote sumbs right now. mwahahaha. why am I so weird? 


excuse me while i punch a lot of dots 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Simply a magical fort

So today would be that dreaded F word, and not only is it the dreaded F word, it just so happens to be the F word on the 13th. FRIDAY THE 13TH . I've noticed I have started all my blogs with far. Today was probably one of the best Friday the 13th I have have, first I went shopping today....SCORE! and secondly I was invited over to a wonderful friends house to have, unbeknownst to be, a magical fort experience.

 Tonight has been one of those times where you realize you really have the best friends on the planet, where you can just sit in a homemade fort that probably took at least over an hour to make, have tea and balloons and rules such as No urination in the fort, and never run out of things to talk or laugh about , especially if the fort is soundproof. Times like these I will cherish forever.
Delicious Green Tea 

Honestly you are never too old to make a fort, sit in one, drink tea in one, or pretend to be pregnant in one. Feeling like a very sophisticated eight year old, I made my way into one of the most magical forts I have ever been in. First the entrance, I felt like I was entering a secret night club where only select members could enter, and I was one of them.
The entrance...How cool! 
Entering this fort was like walking into a magical playground. The ground was covered in colored gumdrops, aka balloons! I was actually surprised there wasn't a bouncer for this club waiting inside to escort the non select out.  There was a ladder with a fun silver dangly sparkly thingy, in honor of Friday the 13th, or simply for decoration but it was beautiful .
It is magical 

 We then went over the fort rules, figuring that rule number one and two was not, no urinating in the fort, but was a rule that must be applied. Few rebellious fort goers decided it would be cool to pour their tea on the ground, since that wasn't against the rules ... we let it go. 
The rules! 
looking straight up into the fort was just as beautiful as staring at the ground. 
The straight up view 
Friends are the best , especially friends like mine who take the time to build a fort and invite us over. Those who laugh and scoff at the idea of spending the day in a tent, obviously aren't as cool as us, but thats okay because they don't know what they are missing out on. 

With a balloon under my shirt and a protective hand over my balloon bump, discussing twilight and putting real fetuses into balloons, what more of a night could I have asked for? Honestly not much. what a great way to spend my last friday on summer vacation.  

                                   Update: teacher emailed me back(yay) however very unhelpful. 
                                   Update update : vita cocos in fridge....  zero. ugh. 

Going to a bridal shower tomorrow ....well today since I have gone over time. so excited!

                                  Update update update: Happy Birthday Dani!  

So all of you with that inner sophisticated eight year old in you, go build a fort, drink tea and share a magical fort moment with all your friends. It's sure to leave a magical memory.  
photo cred:TORI

 doesn't it look like a castle? I could just live in it... however one of the rules is all body parts much stay in tent...and no boys allowed.... and if you break the fort...I break your neck. so Prince charming coming to save me , might be a little difficult...  I guess we will think of something, after all .... it is magical. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Simply Road Rage

Feeling like a total lame-o for hawking Vita coco when I could be talking about things way more interesting, I am breaking my rule of one blog post a day.... which is proving to be really hard since I want to just keep writing and writing and writing. I had a momentary lapse of Vita Coco need and all I could think of was VITA COCO and was consumed by the deliciousness of it.. Here is my actual story for today:

Imagine if you will, driving down a deserted road with tunes blaring, probably along the lines of Spice girls- spice up your life, while you are singing at the top of your lungs. Realizing you need to get over to turn in to whole foods to pick up some.....VITA COCO, you start merging over only to realize, HOLY CRAP WHERE DID YOU COME FROM, and a loud annoying HOOONK behind you. you just accidentally cut someone off. oops, my bad, oh well keep driving. The person behind you is now tailing you really close with an unhappy expression on their face, they don't bother with the turn signal as they cut into the next lane and speed up next to your car. They turn look at you, maybe give you a disappointed shake of their head, a finger, or an angry point , jab, arm motion. Then speed off and cut in front of you. It happens, we all experience it and sometimes are put in the position to do that exact thing. However since moving to Santa Monica and being honked at and cut off more than my whole life in one day. I noticed that people have a tendency to need to know who cut them off. Every single person I "accidentally" pissed off, would speed up next to me and then glare at me. Well excuse me if you wouldn't let me over you self imposed idiot! Granted I did cut you off , but those other time I didn't mean to!

Funny story: recently I started to get over in a lane and was half way over when a woman driving a mini van decided she wanted to get over too, so she sped up and had to slam on her brakes from hitting me, who was now almost fully in the lane. She honked at me then sped up and gave me her best mug, of you are a stupid teenager who needs to learn how to drive. I smiled at her and waved , only pissing her off even more. It wasn't my fault that she decided she wanted to get over as I was already two tires over the lane line.  Anyways the moral of these stories are.... well I don't know but if there was one it would be funny.  okay so maybe not that funny...

so basically I  want to know what compels road rage, cause i know i have it haha but when someone cuts you off , why do you need to feel the need to see who wronged you?

I Find that if i smile at them  they get caught off guard and their faces get slightly confused. I think next i'll make a funny face and see how they react to that.

Warning: please if anyone tries this experiment, don't throw up gang signs or hold up weapons of any kind, and no creepy smiles cause thats just creepy. be safe when cutting people off , and if you get angry please refrain from flipping your little birds .

I am not liable if anyone gets hurt .

This has been
             Simply Amanda

number of vita cocos in my fridge now = still 0 . still depressing.

Vita coco obsessions and other stuff... mostly Vita coco

Good morning world it's Thursday! or should I say Good mid afternoon world it's Thursday. I could also say Good 2:05 pm world it's Thursday. Or i could say...well it doesn't really matter because the point is that today is THURSDAY! which means tomorrow is friday then sat and sunday and then monday.... the start of school. NOO! okay not like i'm doing anything to really to make this the best last thursday before school starts, but still the word Thursday makes me want to replace my eyes with googly eyes, so I  can't even imagine what the F would would make me want to do!

Things I need to do:
1. buy my school books- the most expensive part of school... that on buy back day i'll get 1 dollar because my teacher is outdated and decided to stay with the books that nobody uses anymore
2. make an appointment with a school counselor
3. find out when one of my classes is , since my teacher still hasn't emailed me back...rude.
4. buy more vita coco from whole foods.... seriously ill explain later
5. go to gym- get my butt back there
6. can't think of anything else but thought i would look cooler with a longer list.

okay so number 4- buy more vita coco from whole foods.
seriously. I. AM. OBSESSED. especially when I drink it through a straw (that's half the fun)
obsessions are only fun with straws 
they come in fun flavors, but i love the original.  I could drink it all day long, every hour , every minute , every freaking second. If there was a chugging contest or a how many Vita Coco can you drink .... lets just say i'd go home with the grand prize.

Okay can we just talk about the possibilities of this straw!!!?
 three vita cocos in one. amazing.

now that I am sorta done obsessing about this drink and hawking it out for all of you , Pay me Vita Coco, but seriously. everyone go out and get one then drink it chilled with a straw and experience the bliss haha!  

Big news: i've decided to post to facebook. so all my friends...Don't judge me....can see this !!! haha. 

Today I tried pizza with cornmeal crust.... yeah not a fan. probably would have been better with a vita coco, but i'm just saying.

 This has been
         Simply Amanda

number of Vita cocos in my fridge: 0 .... depressing

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Attack of the small alien army

I woke up this morning with a start, I had started a blog last night. I had started something where I now ask myself... is that blog material? but seriously this morning I woke up and my first thought was : what am I going to be able to talk about today, and the next day, and the day after that.. lets just say I had a minor panic attack only to conclude it with the fact that I hardly ever stop talking so I can't run out of too many ideas.... I hope. Then I also realized that too many things happen to me, so problem solved.

for example last night, my room was attacked by mini aliens that no matter how many times I killed, seem to multiply in massive amounts and time. I am talking about those little black hard shelled aliens, aka... ants. My loyal and loving dog Ginger had decided that instead of eating her food at her bowl, she would carry her food in mouthfuls into my room and spit it on my carpet, and then walk away. She is 8 years old, or at least she has been 8  for the last 5 years since we got a note from the veterinarian saying... "GINGER IS NOW 8, TIME TO CELEBRATE" ... we haven't gotten another one since, so i'd like to think she is still 8. anyways i woke up thirsty , and searched aimlessly for water knocking over half the stuff on side table and almost knocking over my lamp as my limbs flew through the air in a lazy half asleep half thirst need for water, until I opened my eyes to find the only thing i hadn't knocked over had been , you guessed it ,  the water bottle. only to my horribly dry throats surprise the water bottle was empty forcing me to escape the warmth of my bed to quench my thirst. I walked to the kitchen, filled my water bottle,  then headed back to my room only to step on a pile of slimy dog food. gross, I know, I stepped in it. So after a momentary grossed freak out I washed my foot and started cleaning up the food until the army of ants descended on me. I was smacking my arm and floor and trying to kill every single one , but it seemed like each one I killed came back alive with a brother in tow. so it's about 4 in the morning and i'm clearly delusional and grossed out, i'm yelling at the ants " YOU SUCKERS YOU'RE GONNA DIE" while beating the floor with a shoe. it wasn't until 3 mintues later I realized we have a vacuum. So I turned that thing on and sucked the life out of that army of ants. The AA, army ants, if they could scream, screamed tiny screams of terror as i reigned down on them taking them out, but of course not before I said, "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!" so I got that cleared up , drank my water and got back into bed. 
the culprit: Ginger
 needless to say Ginger slept through all of that.

 Four more days until I start school again. I am not looking forward to that. I had approximately a three week summer since I took some summer classes. I  am attending a junior college right now, which i cannot wait to get out of but am already stressing about apply to all the other schools! I am excited about that and nervous, i feel like I'm a junior again coming back from summer and everyone asking if I had started to apply yet, and I hadn't.... talk about stress! You know I hate when you email teachers and they don't respond to you, its like the worst, especially if you haven't even met the teacher yet and so they think you are trying to suck up to them, WHICH I'M NOT! my class explanation just doesn't have a time or class room to which and when I should attend, so i kindly emailed my teacher asking for some details .... 3 days ago and still haven't gotten a reply! can I just say...RUDE! but seriously I asked another teacher for advice and haven't gotten an email back and lets just say it's been a month. extra rude. 

I need a job! like a serious working job so I can have money and finally buy that cardigan from Nordstrom that I have been drooling over...and my traffic school ...... Which was totally not my fault for getting!!! ....okay well maybe a little bit my fault...I don't have a birthday coming up , christmas is too far away so i'd say i'm in dire need of a job. I wish i could just walk into a place and they would be like ... "You! you are amazing and wonderful, please join this place and work for us" that would be awesome if that was the real world. unfortunately for me and all the other job hunters it's " sorry, were not hiring right now" YEAH WELL EFF YOU! well not really but seriously...can you not see that I would be a wonderful addition to your store!? plus giving me money is fun! I like when you give me money, so just freaking hire me! I only need a part time job with school going on and everything so just hire me please and thank you! 

I found that saying please and thank you makes you more able to be liked by someone....instead of say Biotch be my friend and come over to my house, people are more willing to hang out with you if you say hi, i'm so and so I love your top do you want to come over to my house and hang? Please it will be so much fun ...and when they say yes you say...thank you!  and boom you got yourself a friend! which I don't condone faking to like a top because they might ask you if you want to borrow it some time and refusing would be rude.  

and wow, completely off track again in my rambling way of trying to fit everything down in one blog, not realizing that I can make more than one.... anyways I suggest if you are going to hunt down and take out an army of ants, bring a friend whose top you like, a vacuum, and a shoe for an easy kill. but please leave your dogs at home, thank you.
this has been 
             Simply Amanda

Simply me and other things not so ...simple

         So after a much thought out thought process, which you do when you think. hard. about this idea of writing down my thoughts for all to see. I decided that I would do just that , which is what you are reading now , thanks to my thought processing. Thanks brain. Through a creased brow and my sweatshirt tied tight around my face like a ninja , I am writing these thought processes down and after reading this i'll probably delete half, re-write , read again and delete the other half until i come up with what you are reading now. This (inhailing of breath) blog thing that I have started as of today (yay me) well yay you for reading ,so props for you for sticking this long through my rambling introduction.

.....Anyways the hardest thing i've had to do today was coming up with the title for this blog. Simply Amanda. which I had read, deleted then wrote again, thought about it, thought about other things, half deleted, half re-wrote, thought some more , then clicked start blog. I seem to have trouble with decisions. honestly my whole life has been this way since my first trip to safeway, waiting in line for my mother to finish paying while I decided what candy I got. lets just say I left the store crying because I couldn't decide between a kit kat and a butterfinger, good choices that I feel many struggle with, but hey I was 5 .Now I can decide to buy both,problem solved. however I wouldn't suggest doing that with a pair of shoes, which is why I tend to stay away from the shoe department.

       I would hardly call myself simple but I found it funny so yeah, here I am , simply me here for all you to see, or read. whatever.

        I have this crazy dream of being an actress and I don't care for fame or the money although the money might be a nice perk, I honestly do it because I love to do it. I aspire to be an a film actress, being on set surrounded by the creativity is honesty the best thing I could ever think of doing. but let me tell you, it is so not easy. not that I expected it to be it's just well . you know when someone tells you that what you are about to eat isn't that spicy but they have a high tolerance to pain that they withheld from you, and then you try it, and your mouth explodes in pain. yeah well thats kinda like acting, without the pain... unless you're doing a fight scene . People not involved in theatre think its easy so when i told a majority of people my major was theatre I got the ... " oh, thats nice, you must have a lot of time on your hands" speech, and look, yes there is a look for that.

      A year at college and already I'm changing my major,not because I didn't like theatre I am still going to minor in it, but I have decided to major in Film Production. dah dah dah daaaahhh! yes , Film Production. I am excited about this. then again it will probably change again so fingers cross I stick with this one. So my first year of college is done and in a week I will be moving on to my second year. gosh, time flies. I remember sitting in Mrs. Dickies, whose name I found hilarious,  fifth grade class staring out the cow figurine littered window sill, dreaming of what it was gong to be like in middle school, and how cool it would be to an sixth grader , and be able to have more than just one teacher. My day dreaming now has expanded a whole lot , like me and Johnny Depp strolling through a park talking like pirates. but thats a different story.

    So now you know ...well not much about me. or anything really. but this is kinda therapeutic. not gonna lie. this is, was kinda fun, and although its 2:14 am right now and my grammar is just horrible i'll end my first blog ever written by my flanges, which are fingers, which i learned from Bones, which is a tv show, which you probably already knew. Now for my next big decision; do I post to facebook for all my friends to see...GAH. So I guess later i'll explain more about me and my not so simple life which is kinda simple in a way of not being simple... if you know what I mean... and you probably don't, so goodnight and good morning this has been
                                                                     Simply Amanda.