my dad gets a kick out of it, my sister wants to punch me. It's the best of both worlds.
In the midst of moving boxes to storage my dad feels like it's time to have a garage sale, and I couldn't agree more. People paying me money to take away my junk ( nothing of mine is junk, super nice important things, you know.) and I don't have to pack it or move it. It really is such a great concept. Now this garage sale happened a couple months ago but it ties into this blog. My dad had asked me to move this box of hats we have to a better place for the purchasers to see. obligingly doing my job I move the box and in the midst of moving the boxes I find well okay, I looked through the box to see if I wanted anything, two hats. one all black and one black and teal. so what do I do? duh , the most obvious thing anyone would do with two hats. I wear them. one facing one way and the other the other way. I basically have it covered for the two sides of my neck so I don't have to worry about sunscreen there. One problem.... now my front and back neck is exposed, so doing the most obvious thing I can do , I grab two more hats and put them on. Now every area on my head is covered. Nice. The garage sale starts in two minutes, not that it really has a starting time, thats just what it said on our street sign we posted. What else could I do to make this garage sale more interesting? oh yeah, good idea! I get a spin desk chair and I swerve in it in front of the drive way! Its one way to get people to stop seeing as how a group of guys drove by and one stuck his head out the window going "WOAH" and they stopped. haha. brilliance !!!!! I decided I was too hot with the four hats on so I took off two, keeping my favorite of choice on my head. The rest of the garage sale, I even drove my sister and her friend to safeway wearing my hats like this. I think my sister is probably used to it by now but I might have scared her friend.
To top it all off, when my dad saw me I had added those 3d glasses you get at the movies, however I had punched the tinted glasses part out. All he did was laugh and take pictures of me. I enjoy the fact that my dad sees me like this interacting with people and doesn't ask me to change, in fact he had someone he work with drop something off at our house, and he encouraged me to wear the outfit when that person arrived. so lovely.
example a |
My sister on the other hand, still gets embarrassed by some of my antics. For example. OH THIS JUST PISSED ME OFF. so I, being the nicest daughter a dad could have, suggested to pick up dinner. I told my sister come come along but she must wear those doctor gloves, not touch anything, and cough into a tissue that must be discarded once outside of the car ( she was uber sick) if I had a facemask I would have made her wear it. I suggested several times that we stop and get some but she refused...I guess she only goes so far with my suggestions.
I like to think I have a mild case of Hypochondria, Ill see something and think, oh em gee... I totally have that. or i'll read up on the latest sickness ( I have no idea why, must be the hypochondriac in me) and totally think I might get it or have it/ slash the fact ( like how I added the / and then told you it was a slash?) that when my sister is sick or anybody is sick I need disinfectant and to stay 10 feet or more away at all times. I think admitting to Hypochondria proves even more that my case is there but mild...or so i'd like to believe....I don't want to be a freak or anything..ha..ha..
Anyways so my sister and I have just pulled in a parking spot, well technically I pulled and she sat. but whatever, I pulled and my sister sat ready to get out of the car , when some lady pulls up and parks next to us. Doing the right thing I wait for them to get out since they already started to, when the door opens on the passenger side and this lady gets out , but in the process of getting out lets the door hit my car door and bounce off it a couple times, knowing that it was hitting my car, and just not caring. ( maybe she thought we weren't in the car...but still! COME ON!?!!?) picture me: sitting in my car mouth hanging open , eyes wide as I say very loudly "LADY, YOU ARE HITTING MY CAR!" ... she looks up , sees us in the car, sees my face and say "oh!" and stops the door from its continuing bouncing....
I think at this point my sister may have crouched down lower in the car telling me to be quiet because they could hear what I was saying. my response" I know they can hear me, they should, she shouldn't be letting the door hit my car" I say this still in my loud voice. Now, the rest of the car has unpiled and they are looking at me like i'm crazy, but come on, if someone was letting their car door hit your door knowingly and not even try to stop it... you would be upset too.. don't lie. And these weren't soft touches, they were hard bangs, hard enough that I could feel it (thats what she said) . My sister thinks I overreacted but it was my car, she doesn't understand cause she doesn't have a car. They were probably looking at me like I was crazy anyways cause on that side i have a big scrape on it because I accidentally ran into a pole... hard. haha but it wasn't my fault. well it was but I was sick and had just taken Dayquill and your apparently not supposed to drive cause of side effects. anyways I thought the pole was much farther away than it apparently was. I miss that pole every single time except for that one time. curse you!
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my sister and I ... the usual |
example b |
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